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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Today is the begining

Green Smoothie- Take 1
I was a bit apprehensive because I will be completely honest- I don't really like vegetables (GASP!!) but i have gone into this challenge as I would any other- with an open mind and a lot of determonation.

My wonderful 4 ingredients

The main "green" for now- SPINACH


Add in the Banana (to make it smoother)

Added in some mixed berries for sweetness

Blend Blend Blend

Yummy final product!!

The rest of my day's smoothie!

It really was very good- and i would definitely say if it wasn't. The only issue I had was that it wasn't very sweet and I do like things sweet! Tomorrow I am going to add some honey and I think a little vanilla protein powder and see how it turns out.

One good choice made so far today...

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